Monday, July 11, 2005

Eating Crow

Posted by Trott

It certainly appears that my earlier assessment that Rove was not Matt Cooper's direct source for information about Valerie Plame was totally wrong. I think I'll cut my losses and admit error now rather than later.

Doron's comment about lists deserves an answer, so here's a typical list from VH-1 of the top 20 Greatest Pop Culture Icons.

Lastly, here's more praise for Steak House! (The Musical) from a typically biased source: "On a more frivolous note, I've been meaning to tell you that when I came back from seeing you in April, I immediately visited the Steak House website, where I listened to your "Palace Family Steak House." I listened to it just ONCE; but ever since I haven't been able to get the chorus out of my head ("now it's understood/that the food's no good..."). Looks like you may have a hit on your hands. Or at least a meme."


 Doron Abrahami said...

There's a very famous "proof" of the existence of God (I don't remember if it's Anselm or Aquinas) that starts by defining "God" as "that that which nothing greater can be conceived." Of course, you end up spending a lot of time trying to figure out what "greater" means. What is a "Great Pop Culture Icon?" They don't mean "large." It would be a useful list if it was "most dangerous Pop Icons," so you'd know who to avoid. I know that "Top" is also vague, but at least I have a better idea of what it means, namely "the icons at the top of the list compiled by voting (or something)." But "Great?" Nonsense.

5:40 AM, July 12, 2005

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