Sunday, May 01, 2005

...Diary of a Madman...

Posted by Box Daddy

In his article, Professor Davey Gelernter writes:

"Because Democrats are professors in disguise. Scratch a Democrat, find a professor." Ommigod no! It's like some kinda Zombie movie...and when you think about it what could be worse than someone who actually spent some time learning something...such people are prima facie anti-American.

Professor G is right. Who needs those people who learn any particular skills, whether physical or mental? Screw the fancy pants brainiacs and geriatric craftsmen.

Ideally, besides the Rich People who send their future managerial class kids to Ivy League schools (like Professor G's), normal Americans will eventually have a wonderful, democratic, market-oriented skill set that will consist of being able to buy crap, watch tv and work seven different interchangeable and meaningless jobs over their lifetimes.

Hooray for the "Free Market." It makes life so joyously "democratic" and "messy." We should have a big ole party to celebrate!!!

Quoth Professor Gelernter: "It all goes back to central planning, socialism, Marxism — let the experts run the economy; free markets are too democratic and messy. Many professors believed in Marxism right up to the point where Communist China itself bailed out in disgust."

Yeah, boy that Karl Marx. What was that Space Cadet thinking when he wrote that the capitalist economy would come to dominate everyone's lives and that wealth would concentrate in the hands of a few and those few would increasingly abandon the social contract by phasing out social welfare, by intentionally running the state government into the ground and engaging in constant debilitating wars. What planet was HE on?

"Professors see the world in terms of experts and students: 'We are smart; you are dumb.' That's the Infantile American Principle in a nutshell. Now go play with your toys and don't bother me." [Editor's Note: if you are teacher and your approach to teaching is telling people that "they are dumb" then I can pretty much assure you that you wont have your professor job for too long]

But what the hell. Let's embrace Professor G's theory. Who needs tired concepts like competence, facts and knowledge?

Doesn't everybody pretty much know the same stuff: Britney Spears, the Atlanta Falcons wide receiver corps and Donald Trump's tag line?

New rule: just make it up as you go along and do what ya like. It's a perpetual day off from school and now we got no smarmy professors messing up our fun! We just got our old pal Corporate America and his pleasure seeking band of indulgent Good Time Charlies...

It's a permanent market-driven holiday for everybody...

Tomorrow, I'm heading down to the highway department to grade some highway and engineer a bridge. Then the day after I just might test my piloting skills on a Boeing 767 down at SFO.

Knowledge? Expertise? Wisdom? Hah, all of us can do everything and if you disagree then you are clearly an elitist snob who hates the common man. Exactly...


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