Sunday, April 27, 2008


Posted by Trott

Apparently, my insanity inspires others.

My friend Erik was inspired by my Joy of Cooking Project to do his own Stomping Through The Savoy project. As a result, he was written up in The Wall Street Journal!

Now Humu has been bitten by the cook-everything-in-a-collection bug and is doing something very scary: Making all the "salads" in the 1979 Marysville United Methodist Women's Cookbok.



 Robert said...


5:57 AM, April 28, 2008
 Will said...

I'm still planning to eat my way through "How to Cook Everything Vegetarian," but I'm in no rush. For one thing, Bittman usually gives a recipe and then a bunch of brief descriptions of variations thereof, and I haven't figured out how to handle that.

4:05 PM, April 30, 2008

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